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Healthy Beauty, Ageless Beauty - by Denie Hiestand.

theCreamBy theCream

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Healthy Beauty, Ageless Beauty - by Denie Hiestand.
The CEO and formulator of our amazing products, Denie Hiestand, is also an internationally published author, as well as a natural health consultant with many thousands of people he has helped (many refer to him as an amazing healer, but he does not like to be called that). His books have been published by one of the biggest publishing houses in the world, and one book, Journey to Truth, has been made into an award winning documentary.
Denie Hiestand has just written a revolutionary new book called ‘Healthy Beauty, Ageless Beauty.’

Now, this guy is really hard to pin down and get him to write, but his knowledge is profound and leading edge, so we finally got him to put pen to paper. He writes in a way that you get it, he gives you the truth in no uncertain terms. He is funny, but so straight up. His writings have been said to be a gift to the world.

Join email list and get instant 25% OFF everything (All skin-care products & Books). Yup, as Denie would say, true story.

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