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How Colostrum Gives You Radiant Skin

Why Your Skin Needs a Live Bio-Active "Forgotten Miracle" called Colostrum
theCreamBy theCream

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How Colostrum Gives You Radiant Skin
Whether you want to prevent fine lines and wrinkles from forming around your eyes or you want to keep your skin smooth and blemish free, it all starts with a little known, anti-aging skin care ingredient call Colostrum. The restorative property of this unique compound has been recorded in Ancient Egypt, Indian Ayruvedic medicine, and even passed down in the oral historical records of some African framing tribes.
Why Your Skin Needs This "Forgotten Miracle"
Dr. Stephen Blake calls bovine colostrum "the forgotten miracle". In fact, bovine colostrum was used in the United States and all over the world to boost immunity and prevent infections in the time before pharmaceutical antibiotics took over mainstream medicine.

Colostrum has historically been of use in the treatment of many ailments thanks to its Lactoferrin content, which is a natural antimicrobial that destroys pathogens. Colostrum also contains special peptides that can help regulate the thymus gland and boost immune response.

Recently re-discovered as one of the best topical healing agents ever used, Colostrum contains three special growth factors that are necessary for new skin development and healing:

• Epithelial Growth Factor (EFG)
• Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)
• Transforming Growth Factors - Alpha & Beta (TGF-A & B)

These three components help create new skin tissue, muscles, and nerves, regulate your gastrointestinal tract, strengthen joints, and more.

Colostrum also contains oligosaccharides, a natural healing sugar and one of the most powerful anti-aging compounds on the planet.

Our founder and formulator Denie Hiestand, has developed a natural anti-aging skin care range that uses only bovine colostrum from pasture raised New Zealand cattle.

Thanks to his lifetime experience of dairy farming in New Zealand, he was aware of colostrum's many distinct attributes, and he's spent the past decade researching and developing safe skin uses for colostrum.
Live Bio-Active Colostrum vs. Synthetic Skincare
Working with colostrum is a delicate process. If you destroy the Zeta potential or electrical charge around a molecule, the compound is biologically dead, and your skin cannot use biologically dead ingredients. This is the main difference between using chemical skin creams and skin loving bio-available cream made with theCream® special colostrum.

Between eye creams, skin creams, body lotions, deodorants, and daily grooming and make-up routine, the average woman could be subjecting her skin to an alarming 515 different synthetic chemicals every single day.

theCream® special bio-active formulations never use any chemicals, fillers, synthetic preservatives, or even water. Since your skin is the largest organ and the dermis, part of the skin, is one of the secondary organs in the immune system. It reacts to applied antigens (like creams applied or poison ivy), why would you want to rub toxins into your skin?

Protect yourself from toxic chemical overload and make the switch to theCream® colostrum based formulations proven to give you radiant skin by amplifying the factors needed for re-growth and regeneration of skin cells.

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Why Colostrum

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