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Can Chemical skin creams cause diseases?

Letter from our president, Denie Hiestand.
theCreamBy theCream

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Can Chemical skin creams cause diseases?
April 20, 2017 To my dear customers and loyal supporters of healthy lifestyle and non-toxic life-giving products, such as theCream Skincare products. In response to concerns posted by health and green beauty conscious individuals on Instagram, whom I respect and love dearly, I would like to provide my response and feedback for your concerns. (see below for original Instagram posts, and by all means please comment in both Instagram posts below and continue the conversation and share your opinions.) First, please allow me to I thank you all for your comments, while I hope that you would not put me down until you have learned a bit about my life’s work and what led me to form the views stated in the quotes you read on our Instagram/Facebook page, referenced from my recent book Healthy Beauty, Ageless Beauty. I have spent all my life in the ‘be healthy’ business; first, as a hands on grass farmer keeping over 5,000 animals healthy and producing naturally, then for the last 30 years in human health.
I have personally seen about 30,000 clients, mostly women and in that, over 5,000 cancer clients and have been a passionate student of the causes of cancer in women, especially breast cancer. In that process, I have studied everything I could find to help my clients and looked at the profound effects of the ‘what and how’ of cancer.

It is my humble opinion, after all these years of keeping an open mind, that what I say about the main cause, of the many causes existing out there, that the main causes of breast cancer is CHEMICAL skin creams.

Skin creams are designed to penetrate the skin layers… and much of the chemicals do in fact transdermal to the blood. This is not new information or science, but widely known info - in fact up to 2.6 lbs per year.

Yes, there are many chemical challenges to the body that can result or contribute to cancer, as stated in reader replies, however, the skin is one of the easiest ways for chemicals to enter the blood. That’s why the medical companies use topical forms of drugs (chemicals) for pain, nicotine and hormonal replacement to mention a few.

I do not disagree with some of your comments, however, one had better know their biology and how the body works and have had the years of actually ‘looking’ at the ‘HOW’ of cancer as I have, before one uses their belief structures to knock my science. I do not deal in belief structures, I only write and share ‘WHAT IS’. And I accept that not all can or will take that in. It’s a free world, but there is no need to dismiss others understanding after a life’s work. I have found what I have, because I LOOKED.

Please feel free to read my new book, ‘Healthy Beauty, Ageless Beauty’ to better understand my science and reasoning.

Thank you,

Denie Hiesatnd
Founder of

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